Egy óriási akcióorgiáról szól a fáma, ami egy végtelenül szórakoztató elegye a komédiának, az akciónak és a hentelésnek, illetve emlékezetes karakterekről is szót ejtenek az első véleményekben. Ezenfelül persze Margot Robbie is megint ki lett emelve, mint a film egyik fénypontja, de az Öngyilkos osztag után nem is vártunk mást.
Érdekesség, hogy többen is megemlítik, hogy a Ragadozó madarak nem is feltétlenül a szuperhős/képregényfilm zsánerben mozog, sokkal inkább idézi meg Quentin Tarantino stílusát. Hamarosan mi magunk is láthatjuk majd, hogy mennyi igaz ebből!
#BirdsofPrey is one word: FUN! A frenetic hyper stylized Harley Quinn comic book come to life (it?s her movie). It?s DC?s Deadpool w/ a dash of Tarantino. COULD NOT get enough of McGregor?s Black Mask; hysterical, eccentric, & deliciously pathetic. A rockin? kick ass good time!
— Griffin Schiller (@griffschiller) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey is a violent, seedy slow-burn leading to a flock-up that?s truly something special to witness
— Chris Sylvia (@sylvioso) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey isn't a Birds of Prey movie so much as it's a Harley Quinn movie feat. BOP ? and that creates issues story-wise & in fleshing out characters ? but it's a hell of a lot of fun. It's at its best when going full Harley-vision, & Margot Robbie is clearly having a blast.
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) January 29, 2020
Cathy Yan?s #BIRDSOFPREY is a criminally fun celebration of sisterhood, with some of my favourite fight scenes in recent memory. I was grinning from ear to ear the entire thing; making a pub debut with my review soon!
— Millicent Thomas (@MillicentOnFilm) January 29, 2020
#BirdsofPrey is delightfully unassuming and unconcerned with its place in a larger context. It's a bonkers bananas crime comedy and a genuine party movie. Everyone is having a blast but Mary Elizabeth Winstead plays Huntress like a supporting character from THE TICK. It rocks.
— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) January 29, 2020
Two things I get just got told about Birds of Prey from someone who's seen it.
— The Moonlight Warrior ???? (@BlackMajikMan90) January 26, 2020
"It's more Quentin Tarantino and less Comic Book Film."
"It's a non-stop mix between comedy, action and gore."
Sign me the F up!!#birdsofprey
#BirdsofPrey is a ridiculous and rad superhero film. The fight scenes are phenomenal and the villains are delicious. It shouldn't have taken this long to get the Birds of Prey on film but it was a lot of fun.
— Jill Pantozzi (@JillPantozzi) January 29, 2020
#BirdsOfPrey has terrific action, humor & some of the more memorable characters we?ve seen in a DC movie, but the biggest highlight is Margot Robbie. She is fantabulous as Harley, while also proving that sometimes our most valued relationships are the ones we have w/ good food
— Erik Davis (@ErikDavis) January 29, 2020
#BirdsofPrey is a riot - oozing with attitude and some of the most inventive, bone-crunching fight sequences in the superhero genre to date. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had. It doesn?t reinvent the wheel, but has style to spare.
— Laura Prudom (@LauInLA) January 29, 2020
Saw #BirdsofPrey this morning! I liked it a lot. The stuff I loved: the action, the tone and just how creative the direction is. Margot Robbie completely sells the incredibly choreographed fight sequences and their gleeful brutality, this whole scene in particular ????
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) January 29, 2020
Saw #BirdsofPrey this morning! I liked it a lot. The stuff I loved: the action, the tone and just how creative the direction is. Margot Robbie completely sells the incredibly choreographed fight sequences and their gleeful brutality, this whole scene in particular ????
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) January 29, 2020
Birds of Prey is solid. The unpredictable structure keeps the first half moving and the action boosts the rest. Robbie is excellent, as is McGregor. It?s tamer than expected and the basic story can get lost in the complex setups but it works more often than not. #BirdsofPrey
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) January 29, 2020